The current owner of the business is the seller. That individual (or group) shareholder has the sole authority to choose who will buy the company.
The Buyer/ The Trust
For the employees to become owners, an Employee Ownership Trust must be formed. This Trust allows employees to own the shares as a group in a tax-effective way, without requiring individual employees to purchase and manage them. The Trust becomes the purchaser and manages the responsibilities of ownership on behalf of the employees.
The Corporation
The corporation is the thing being sold. It will provide the cash flow to service the buyout debt, and later to generate profit and company growth.
The Employees
The employees are the ultimate beneficiaries of the corporation's profit and value. The structure of the Trust determines how and when employees benefit — through annual disbursements, long-term share value increases, or a combination of the two.
The Financier
Since employee owners do not bring their own equity to the purchase of the company, employee ownership transitions are 100% debt financed. Bank financing is essential to make these transactions possible.
This image is an example only.
If you are considering selling your business to your employees and want to understand the intricacies involved, let’s talk.
EO transactions are complex and require knowledgeable advisors.
We are the experts in Canada’s EOT legislation — because we helped build it. We are uniquely positioned to successfully transition your company to an employee-owned business.
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